Monday 20 February 2012

Transcription - Sketch Ideas

I've ordered a book from Waterstones last week called 'The Fiddler and The Trow', I'm still waiting for it to come in the post (GRRR) but I can't let that put me back so I'm moving on regardless. The description I have at the moment is from a folktale called 'Hughbo - The Brownie of Copinsay'

There, sat an ugly naked creature with a wet, leathery skin that seemed to glow softly in the darkness. The visitor was somewhat smaller than a man and was certainly terribly ugly with a flat, bald head and wet, slimy seaweed as a beard.

There's not as much description as I'd like at the moment and as soon as the book I ordered comes (early this week I hope) I can relook at my designs.

The second picture is deconstructing the old fisherman. I've draw out the fisherman's features from reference on the left picture then devolved it with the description of the trow in mind.

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